Native Hunt Is Bucking The Trend
Jolon , CA - With the current economic madness, and corporations "downsizing" all over the country, how has Native Hunt, Inc. CEO, T. Michael Riddle responded to this challenge?
In typical fashion, he's bucking the trend, and expanding his operation by re-opening the 400 acre Priest Valley property for hunting adventures. This property has been essentially left fallow for almost four years, a break that has allowed the game to flourish and grow. Since the re-opening in the late fall, 2008, several large boars have already been taken, and many more have been sighted by the guides and clients.
The Priest Valley ranch isn't a place for the timid. Nestled in the rugged country a few miles west of the San Andreas fault, the canyons and draws are formed by the collision of continental plates ramming into one another over the millennia. The ridges are thrust straight up, making for steep hikes in and out of the property. Summertime temperatures will exceed 100 degrees, and in the rainy winters, the roads are so slick that much of the ranch can only be accessed on foot.
The rewards are there for those who are willing, though.
The property itself spans 400 acres of this rugged landscape, but is surrounded by more private land and borders landlocked public land as well. Riddle has agreements with the neighboring property owners which expand the hunting opportunities here to approximately 23,000 acres of rolling oak groves, dense chaparral, and rocky hillsides. In this varied habitat hunters will encounter wild hogs, blacktail deer, wild turkeys, as well as upland birds such as quail and band-tailed pigeons.
Several of the draws are headed by springs that provide a steady source of water, which keeps the bottoms green and cool, and draws game from the surrounding, dry countryside. Riddle and his team are working to enhance these water sources, which will turn the ranch into a veritable oasis for wildlife.
There is a rustic, but comfortable lodge on the property, and full facilities (running water, hot showers, etc.) are being constructed as you are reading this. In thesetough times, Riddle has also been able to keep his full staff of guides. These guys know the property, and will be there to make sure you have the best and most productive hunt possible.
For hunters looking for a challenging hunt on a great property, Native Hunt's Priest Valley property offers physical challenge, great opportunities on trophy game, and a chance to spend time in some of central California's most beautiful and pristine country.